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The Mid Autumn Festival and nat河地ional day will be held in chuanglong,長化 Fujian Province in 2020

類别:Industry news &nbs但很p; 發布時(shí)間:2020-09-2長身5 11:27:28   浏覽:739 次

A full moon hangs in the sky,好分 and good luck spreads on 女做the world,
The Mid Autumn Festival people reun錯兒ite, the arrival of national da煙著y peace.
Fujian Chuang Long Import an哥亮d export trade Co., Ltd
Wish all colleagues and thei是她r families, concern, c廠話are and support the develop音舞ment of the company friend事會s, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
Happy birthday, prosper說術ity and peace to our mother!
I would like to pay high tribute to 要也the heroes who are fighting the e輛日pidemic in 2020, and thank you for 房這your selfless dedication t大街o the motherland and the peopl劇友e!

We are proud, we are Chines靜中e! Go China!
Mid autumn full moon night,哥又 national day joy, all things auspiciou水國s as the season, the 區現year of peace, I wish the錢短 motherland prosperity!
Long press scan code to pay attention t靜近o Fujian Chuang long
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